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Terms & Conditions of Enrolment

1.     Correct uniform and appropriate grooming is required for pupils and students. This ensures basic safety and is part of theatre training. No jewellery except small ear studs should be worn.

2.      Lack of attendance in class of over two weeks without satisfactory explanation from a parent /guardian will be investigated by the Principal.

3.      Please arrive 5 minutes before class begins if possible! 

4.      The Principal and Management cannot undertake responsibility for money or articles of value lost on the premises.

5.      The Principal reserves the right to amend or alter fees and classes as and when necessary.

6.      All school fees should be settled within 14 days of the invoice date.

7.      Being a member of the School ensures a place is continuously saved for the pupil/student in his/her chosen class or classes. Only a formal written notice giving notice during a working term can end this agreement if a pupil wishes to discontinue a class. Fee payment must continue during that period irrespective if classes are attended or not. This is to ensure the smooth running of the school.

8.      Should a pupil or student repeatedly exhibit inappropriate behaviour, parents/carers will be notified and the problem discussed. If this behaviour continues with no improvement, the School reserves the right to terminate the pupil/students training without a refund of fees.

9.       Parents and associates are only permitted to watch classes during designated “Open Classes” or at the Principal’s discretion.

10.    The Principal should be made aware of any likewise classes taken outside of the School in case of conflicting training. This is important for pupils or students studying for examinations.

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